How It Works?

Are you one of those people who no matter how hard they tries, just can not retain information?

If you were anything like me before learning the memory palace technique, I know how you feel!

You may or may not have heard of the memory palace technique used by many memory experts around the world.


Our tool is based on the ancient technique of the Memory Palace, a method used by scholars and poets for centuries to remember vast amounts of information. By creating a visual representation of the information in a familiar place, the mind is able to recall the information more easily.


Our tool takes this technique to the next level by allowing users to create their own Memory Palaces, using images, videos and audio to enhance the experience. The user can then add lists of things to their Memory Palace, such as facts, dates, and names, and easily recall them later.


A few years ago, I learnt this very technique and in the same evening was able to recall every single US President in order...
and I still remember them!
The product we have made allows you to create a memory palace and store it with our easy to use Web App.

Once you have done this you will be able to easily import lists of things to learn against your palace locations.

Once you have been through your list a couple of times you can test yourself and see if you truly do have super human memory!

I am so confident you will be amazed with what you can remember once implementing this technique that I am giving you a 7 day free trial which you can cancel at any time!

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I find in the members area

The members area is made up of tutorial videos and guides to get started. An area for creating your memory palace. A section for importing lists of things to learn and a test area.

Is it suitsable for children?

Yes! This is a great technique to teach a child if you want to improve their memory. This is especially useful for rememebring lists of things.

Can anyone do it?

I am confident that anyone will be able to implement the memory palace technique and improve their memory dramatically.